Life skills Training for youth

Youth unemployment  in Kaberamaido are among the highest in the country and are expected to remain high because  most vulnerable children and youth in the region have had limited access to education. This is contributing to increased risky behaviors such as drug abuse, alcoholism and criminal tendencies.

POPOW solicits to support the access to employment for youth through non-formal skills development and vocational training. A market based Vocational Skills Training programs for the vulnerable youth who drop out of school, are part of a broader strategy of economic reconstruction and social restoration and is a better education enhancement .


Between 2016 and 2018 POPOW has provided life skills through group dynamics, music, dance and drama, games and sports, training on soap production, to 7883 youth. This is aimed at building their abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable them to deal effectively with their demands and challenges of life. These skills have aided them to develop into active and productive members of their communities.

okile landingsite football team
Training on soap production
Games and sports