Household Economic Empowerment

The Situation

Over 80% 0f households in Kaberamaido are peasant farmers  who earn their income from sale of agricultural products. In 3 out of 5 households  a woman is the main contributor of household and family needs. A relationship exists between social expectations, child rearing and economic-environmental contexts. In most of these families, children are expected to play significant economic roles as part of household livelihood systems. Protracted crisis and poverty has made vulnerable children to take on economic roles and activities that pose serious risks to their security and well-being. These risks include the end of education, dangerous child labor, and forced early marriage, living and working on the streets, transactional sex, and trafficking, among others. This is because of lack of livelihood opportunities or employment to help facilitate the development of households to adequately care for their children.


POPOW  is  helping  households  especially women  to reduce this risk  by providing them  with business skills training that enables them to systematically assess the appropriateness of several potential Income Generating Activities(IGAs)  , and compare each to their specific skills and resources. Analysis of this kind helps them to choose Income Generating Activities that are most suitable to their individual circumstances and potential.


My name is Lily, lam   52 years old, I have 8 children. Before l got a micro credit from POPOW, l had a small capital of UGX 50,000 (about 13.8 USD) for my business. However, because of the overwhelming house hold demands , it was difficult for me to  sustain the business and at the same time, meet the needs of my family because the capital value was small and so the returns from the business. 3 of my children who completed primary leaving exams could not continue to secondary level of education because l could not raise their money for school fees.  When I received a micro credit of UGX 500,000(138 USD) from POPOW, l invested it all in the business. Currently my business has expanded l purchase 8 bags of cassava flour and get a net profit of UGX 92,000(25 USD) after 7 days. Its 4 month now since l got the micro credit and  I have a  cumulative savings of UGX 998,000(277 USD),l also  bought a bull which I  added to the  one  I already had, now I use them to plough my garden for food production. This has helped me to increase the acreage of my garden hence increased production. I’m  also able to pay  school fees for my  5  children (1 girl in form 3  and the other 4 in primary schools).
My name is Hellen, I have 11 children, my husband is a fish monger, before we got support from POPOW; we had a small capital of UGX 150,000(41 USD). We had a lot of difficulties paying school fees for the children in secondary schools because the cost of paying school fees was higher than the income from the business. When l received a micro credit of UGX 600,000(166 USD) from POPOW, we invested UGX 200,000(55 USD) in our fish business, UGX 120,000(33 USD) to buy fishing net ,UGX 200,000(55 USD) for paying school fees for our son in form 2 and 1 girl in form 4. I’m so grateful to POPOW for the support extended to me because it has helped to support the education of my children and I’m happy.
Martha 24, a single mother did a tailoring course but was not able to start up the business because she lacked the start up materials. She got a micro credit of UGX 400,000(111) from POPOW and used it to buy materials, sewing kit and rented a small room in a trading center where she is now making clothes. In a good day she earns about UGX 20,000(5.5 USD). She is now able to take care of her child and sibling and at the same time meet her basic needs.
I’m Akello, 43 years, a widow with 7 children and also HIV positive. Before l got support from POPOW, l was doing fish business at the landing site, with a working capital of only UGX 100,000(27.7 USD). Because of the huge household demands, l could not expand the business and 4 of my children who had completed primary leaving exams had dropped out of school because l could not afford to raise their fees for higher education. But when POPOW came into my life and gave me UGX 450,000(125 USD), l injected UGX 200,000(55 USD) into the business for its expansion and used UGX 180,000 to buy fishing net. This has helped me to expand my business because, l now use my own fishing net, and also supply other fishermen who do not own nets. I have accumulated savings of UGX 350,000(97 USD). I can meet all my household needs including healthcare and education of my children.